We specialise in time-critical civil infrastructure projects at Eifers providing a diverse array of civil construction services. Our extensive team of skilled workers is equipped with the appropriate equipment for every project, always adhering to safety, compliance and quality standards.
We Specialise in Rapid Deployments, Time Critical Projects and Remote Area Pours.

Innovation is at the heart of all we do at Eifers. We believe in taking a considered approach combined with the latest in engineering methodologies and equipment.
Our Projects.

Why Choose Eifers.
Our commitment to adhering to standards sets us apart.
We work under a Quality Management System and we are triple accredited to DLCS for:
AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2015
AS/NZS ISO 45001:2018
AS/NZS ISO 14001: 2015
At Eifers we embrace technology and new methods of making the job we do both better and faster. We specialise in time critical projects. We use Volumetric technology combined with High Early Strength Concrete to ensure we manage our time critical jobs with exactly the right volume of concrete to the exact right mix. This means we waste less and can customise to suit conditions on site.
We also embrace sustainable products, we have a lightweight Fill (Ecofil) which allows us to get into tight spots but use less density whilst maintaining strength. We also use a low carbon concrete called FutureCrete - which means that we can opt to lower the carbon on any jobs by significant amounts.
We have the Federal Safety accreditation.
We invest in our people and in their training. We have a dedicated HSE Rep on staff and have a team of people whose job it is - is to make sure that our team are happy, looked after and well informed, especially as legislation changes.
At Eifers we have;
Senior Management team
Advisory Board
Leadership Team
We are Pre Qualified for VicRoads to: R3 Road Category, B2 Bridge Category, F5 Financial Level