Werribee River Park

Werribee River Park - Access Road

Eifers have recently completed a significant project on behalf of Parks Victoria. The 1.2km long access road to Werribee River Park needed to be re-imagined, it was a dirt track that needed to be upgraded to a dual lane with slip lane. This civil work has created a new connection between William Thwaites Drive and Metropolitan Farm Road. This beautiful corner of Victoria is home to a large array of wildlife, birdlife and indigenous flora which needs to be protected. Werribee River Park is part of a RAMSAR site, which aims to protect and provide safe habitat for migratory birds.

The Werribee River Park is also part of the Heart Foundation’s Green Walks in the Parks Victoria Program and therefore needs to be well maintained. The access road was in need of some repair, drainage, traffic control and widening. Eifers managed the full suite of works required which encompassed all bulk earthworks, installation of stormwater drainage and optical fibre relocation works. The project also required full pavement reconstruction and slip lane construction, the addition of a concrete traffic island to help with traffic management. We managed all road signage, line marking and chain wire fencing and guardrail installation to complete the project. We enjoy working with Parks Victoria, their scope of work is always clear, their team is easy to work with and they are really pleased with the end result. This relationship is critical to us at Eifers and why we will continue to work with Parks Victoria into the future.




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